School Architect

MWA is committed to creating learning environments that are progressive and technologically relevant. Today’s learning environments are about flexibility and efficiency. Now, more than ever, parents and students have options. Student performance, recruitment and facility design are directly related to educational success. Mark Hilles has designed over 2,000,000 million square feet of K-12 and collegiate facilities in the last 15 years. Every solution is unique and developed through programmatic consensus with your leadership team. Each design solution will make a statement that connects to your community. As a cutting edge School Architect your school functionality is our highest priority.

educational_pict1Professional Services Provided:

  • Plan > Consult > Launch (PCL) – Complimentary
  • Professional architectural design services
  • Programmatic workshops
  • Athletic facility design
  • Existing facility assessment reports
  • Master planning of school sites
  • Security consultation
  • Technological consultation
  • Animation graphic services
  • ADA compliance


At MWA we believe that connecting with your leadership is key. The stakeholders in your organization hold the keys to project success. Our process starts with our Programmatic Workshop for all stakeholders to participate in sharing the intricacies of your organization’s mission. We will clearly consolidate this into a visionary, programmatic deliverable before the actual design begins.


Whether your institution is a nationally recognized University or a K-12 School, our job is to advise you on the opportunities at hand. We strive to create solutions that enhance your curriculum, AND build on the fabric of your community. Every community has unique assets that present learning opportunities for the students. Today’s student is able to process tremendous amounts of educational stimulation. Your community can play a part in that learning. We’ll explore corporate partnerships, community activity integration, after hours programs, student media and broadcast centers, creative group learning settings, online opportunities and much more.


Because schools of the future will be used more and more, they must be affordable AND durable. Every educational project MWA designs incorporates sustainable direction that is both affordable and durable. We have the experience to create the flexibility necessary for efficient use of furnishings and technology. Our objective on each design decision is to eliminate redundancy and develop energy efficient solutions. After all, the construction costs of your facility is a fraction of the cost of operating that facility over the life of the building. Specifically, daylighting plays a part in successful learning environments and is the backbone for sustainable design.

educational_pict3Here are some interesting educational links:

  • KI Education
  • NCEF trends
  • The Evolving Classroom
  • Community Schools
  • School Partnerships
  • 10 Trends